Innovation & Creativity

Innovation & Creativity

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This practical course will provide managers with a range of creative thinking techniques that they can use to generate innovative ideas. Delegates will be encouraged to bring along ‘live’ challenges / problems from the workplace to enable the new skills learnt to be applied directly

Who would benefit from attending?

Managers who are looking to find creative and innovative ways of approaching typical business challenges / problems.

Core development objectives covered

• The difference between creativity & innovation

• Breaking through traditional thought patterns & assumptions in the workplace

• The importance of applying a fresh approach to business challenges

• Left brain v’s right brain thinking

• How creative are we?

• Developing the right environment to maximise creativity

• Managing & nurturing others to be creative ~ make it ok to fail!

• Recognising the difference between logical & lateral thinking

• Different tools / methods for generating ideas

• Using the ‘6 Thinking Hats’ for group workshops

• Taking ideas forward & presenting a business case

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Team Work / Team Building

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

Innovation by definition will not be accepted at first. It takes repeated attempts, endless demonstrations, monotonous rehearsals before innovation can be accepted and internalized by an organization. This requires “courageous patience” – Warren Bennis.

Managing Equality & Diversity

Managing Equality & Diversity

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course will explore the impact of equality & diversity in the workplace and the role and responsibility that managers have in encouraging an inclusive working environment. Delegates will learn the key principles of employment law and develop the confidence to deal effectively with employee issues as and when they arise.

Who would benefit from attending?

Managers who want to learn more about the responsibility that they have in promoting inclusivity in the workplace.

Core development objectives covered

• What is diversity & inclusion?

• The key legal principles of discrimination law

• Identify a manager’s obligations under law

• Understanding unconscious bias in yourself & others

• Identifying the benefits of developing an inclusive business culture

• How to encourage the values & behaviours in others

• Managing a diverse workforce

• Develop the confidence to effectively manage discrimination

• Implementing strategies for establishing open communication

• Using business policies & procedures

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Inclusive Leadership

Managing & Leading Teams

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience

Just a thought…

“Diversity, or the state of being different, isn’t the same as inclusion. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations.” Bill Crawford

Developing Resilience

Developing Resilience

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

An essential course for managers who are expected to work effectively in an ever more demanding business environment. Delegates will explore the different triggers / situations that may create higher than normal levels of anxiety and develop strategies that will ensure they maintain high levels of performance.

Who would benefit from attending?

Managers who want to develop a resilient mindset in order to maintain personal energy levels and sustain high levels of performance.

Core development objectives covered

• The importance of personal well-being at work

• The circumstances that undermine resilience

• Knowing what happens to us when we are under pressure

• Recognising when your anxiety levels are heightened

• Self-perception ~ victim or hero

• How to increase levels of resilience in the workplace

• Identifying resilient traits & behaviours

• Challenging default behaviours & reactions

• Developing calming strategies & ways of off-loading

• Maintaining peak levels of performance & personal motivation

• Encouraging your team to display resilient behaviour

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Mindfulness for Managers

Conflict Management

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“We all need resilience to live a fulfilling life. With resilience, you’ll be more prepared to take on challenges, to develop your talents, skills, and abilities so that you can live with more purpose and more joy.” Eric Grietens

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

Mental Toughness means many things to many different people however, during this course delegates will explore the mind-set that you adopt in everything that they do – from performance in work to our lives at home.

Those who have higher levels of mental toughness are able to perform consistently at or near the top of their capabilities, regardless of the challenges, pressure and stress they face.

Who would benefit from attending?

Ideal for employees at all levels across an organisation who want to develop mental toughness.

Core development objectives covered

• What do we mean by mental toughness?

• What impact can this approach have at work / at home?

• Understanding common fallacies about mental toughness

• Raising levels of self-awareness (Optional – use of MTQ48 profile tool)

• The Four C’s of being mentally tough

– Control

– Commitment

– Challenge

– Confidence

• Confidence communicating & cooperating more effectively under pressure

• Thriving on change & business challenges

• Handling mental strain & negative thoughts

• Increase drive & self-motivation

• Developing positive & lasting working relationships

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Developing Resilience

Mental Health Awareness

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…..

‘Arguably one of the most important qualities successful people possess is mental toughness: the drive and determination and willpower to keep going when the going gets tough. Fortunately, determination and willpower are qualities you can develop. Anyone can develop greater mental toughness.’ – Jeff Haden

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.” – Mark Victor Hansen

Handling Difficult Situations/Conversations

Handling Difficult Conversations / Situations

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

Managers will learn how to manage themselves and the difficult situations and people that they encounter at work. Delegates will develop the confidence to take a proactive approach and understand the behaviours of others and how to respond appropriately whilst maintaining a professional working relationship.

Who would benefit from attending?

Anyone who wants to develop the confidence and skills to effectively manage difficult conversations / situations as they arise in the workplace.

Core development objectives covered

• What difficult situations do you encounter at work?

• Why are people difficult?

• The importance of taking a proactive approach

• Building personal confidence

• Understanding different personality types / preferences

• Adapting your approach to get the best out of others

• Giving constructive feedback on poor performance

• Keeping feedback objective & linked to observable behaviour

• Essential communication skills

• Formal & informal options to help improve performance

• Monitoring & evaluating the action taken

• Maintaining a professional working relationship

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Teams & Team Performance

Conflict Management

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

As a leader, parent, or friend – don’t let someone’s poor attitude and poor performance hinder your commitment to holding them to higher standards. You don’t need to make the person ‘wrong’ for the way they’re behaving, simply point out that the behaviour is ineffective.