Key Attributes for New Managers

When we look back at our previous jobs and the people we’ve worked for, we often think about those who’s management style really got the best out of us – but what attributes did they show to make us remember them so fondly?

Being a good manager can be demanding, stressful and challenging, but done well, so rewarding.  It is a skill though and one that takes practice and patience but the key attributes below might help you in that journey:

Be approachable

Being welcoming and easy to talk to are at the core of what makes a good manager. Each team member should be comfortable speaking with their manager, without feeling like they are simply another number in the group.

Be patient

Learning to be patient isn’t easy and for many, doesn’t come naturally. It can take years to learn how to control emotions and decide how to react to things. A good manager learns to master this skill and takes the wider view on board at all times.

Be honest

People want to trust people and that’s no different in the workplace – every team must be able to trust their manager in both words and actions. As a manager, it is vital to keep promises and be open and honest.  Good managers lead by being open and honest and use these attributes to underpin their communication style.

Be encouraging

Success is measured in many different ways, but a strong leader understands exactly what this means for their team. They make it a point to help every team member succeed as an individual, while also focusing on the team as a whole. The ability to motivate an entire group to strive toward a specific goal is a major part of what makes a good manager.

Take ownership

This is more than completing a task, taking ownership is a key step all good managers need to make – it promotes a cohesive culture within a team and demonstrates the ability to step up and get their hands dirty – your team will thank you for it!

Be upbeat

As a manager, your attitude speaks a thousand words. Regardless of what is going on within an organisation, positive and negative, leaders deflect, they soak up the noise and keep morale high.  This mindset and technique will keep people on task and boost productivity.

At Futureproof, we’re passionate about developing new managers so get in touch by emailing us at to see how we can help.