Leadership & Motivation Skills

Leadership & Motivation Skills

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is for managers who have been entrusted with driving and leading the organisation forward in a busy and competitive business environment. Delegates will explore in depth the skills and behaviours required to lead, inspire and empower others to deliver consistently high levels of performance.

Who would benefit from attending?

Middle to Senior Managers who want to learn the qualities of becoming an effective business leader.

Core development objectives covered

• What makes an effective leader?

• Understanding your leadership style & your personal brand

• Adapting your style / approach to maximise your impact on others

• Different leadership models / techniques

• Understanding what motivates /inspires others

• Translating business strategy into operational objectives

• Providing direction & inspiring a shared vision

• Empowering others to take on increased responsibility & ownership

• The importance of employee reward & recognition

• Developing a solution led team ethos

• Creating a collaborative & supportive team culture

• Succession planning ~ developing & managing talent

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Driving & Implementing Strategic Change

Strategic Business Planning Skills

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

A boss creates fear, a leader confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting. A boss is interested in himself or herself, a leader is interested in the group ~ Russell H. Ewing

Recruitment & Interviewing Skills

Recruitment & Interview Skills

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

Delegates will cover the skills needed to make recruitment interviews productive and focused. They will explore the key stages of the recruitment process and how to conduct an effective interview designed to attract the best candidates for the job.

Who would benefit from attending?

All managers responsible for recruiting and interviewing for the business and who are yet to receive any formal training.

Core development objectives covered

• The cost of poor recruitment to the business

• Identifying the key stages of the recruitment process

• Understanding the essential legal requirements

• Designing the job specification & job profile

• Professional interviewing skills ~a best practice approach

• Agreeing the application process & interview criteria

• Using telephone interviewing skills to help interview selection

• Selecting the most appropriate interview structure

• Preparing your interview structure

• Using competency based questioning techniques

• Promoting the business in a positive light

• Making your final decision

• Professional follow-up procedure for all candidates

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Developing a High Performing Team

Managing & Leading Teams

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Note: This course can be tailored to incorporate your recruitment policy and procedures and delegates can use live job specifications to ensure that skills practice sessions are 100% relevant.

Just a thought….

“The toughest decisions are people decisions: hiring, firing, and promoting people. They receive the least attention and are the hardest to ‘unmake.” Peter Drucker

Managing & Leading Teams

Managing & Leading Teams

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

Our Managing & Leading Teams course Ideal for those currently in a management position and who want to learn how managing and leading effectively can draw the best out of others. Delegates will learn the importance of leading by example and empowering others to take more responsibility which in turn will lead to a motivated and engaged team.

Who would benefit from attending?

All people managers looking to make the transition from managing to leading by empowering & developing their team.

Core development objectives covered

• Managing v’s leading the team

• Defining effective leadership & how it impacts on the business

• The importance of positive role modelling

• Identifying different leadership styles & behaviours

• Understanding your personality preferences & leadership style

• Adapting your style to get the best from others

• Empowering your team to take more responsibility

• Lead your team to solve problems, not just spot them!

• Effective performance management & setting clear KPI’s

• Inspiring others to be successful

• Developing & growing the skills of your team

• Identifying training / coaching requirements

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Managing Change

Coaching Skills for Managers

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thoughts…

“Good leaders make people feel that they’re at the very heart of things, not at the periphery. Everyone feels that he or she makes a difference to the success of the organization. When that happens people feel centered and that gives their work meaning.” Warren G. Bennis

Team Leader Supervisory Skills

Team Leader / Supervisory Skills

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course will fully explore the role of a Team Leader / Supervisor and how effective people management skills can get the best out of those who report to them. Delegates will learn the importance of providing their team with good communication, effective delegation, clear objectives and constructive performance feedback.

Who would benefit from attending?

Ideal for people who are new to the role of Team Leader/Supervisor or those who are in the role and are yet to receive any formal training.

Core development objectives covered

• The role & responsibilities of a Team Leader / Supervisor

• Being accountable for your actions / decisions

• Moving from colleague to  Team Leader / Supervisor

• Identifying your personal management style

• Understanding the different personalities within your team

• Essential communication skills

• Delivering team briefings

• Effective delegation ~ learning to let go!

• Setting clear & measurable objectives

• Giving constructive feedback on individual / team performance

• Identifying training & development needs

• Handling difficult conversations

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Handling Difficult Conversation / Situations                    

Teams & Team Performance

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…..

“Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” – Paul Hawken.

Teams & Team Performance

Teams & Team Performance

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is aimed at managers who want to manage and motivate their team in order to get the best out of them. Delegates will learn about the importance of managing team dynamics, providing clear performance objectives and ensuring that performance can be effectively measured and evaluated.

Who would benefit from attending?

Junior to middle managers who want to improve teamwork and take a proactive approach to managing team performance.

Core development objectives covered

• The role of a manager in managing team performance

• How do we get the best out of others?

• Identifying team strengths / weaknesses

• Providing clear team goals

• Understanding team / individual motivation

• Setting clear & measurable performance objectives

• Measuring & evaluating performance

• Providing feedback on individual / team performance

• Handling difficult situations / people

• Understanding formal performance management procedures

• Providing training & development support

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Handling Difficult Situations / Conversations

Developing a High Performing Team

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensure that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among people the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.”

”I have yet to find a person, however exalted their station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.” Charles Schwab