Time Management, Task & Planning Skills

Time Management, Task & Planning Skills

Duration: 1 day | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This Time Management course is designed to help staff at all levels who need to gain control of their time and prioritise their workload effectively.  Planning, personal organisational skills, task management and delegation are all core elements of the day.

Who would benefit from attending?

For those wanting to improve time management skills and planning of daily tasks.

Core development objectives covered

• Why personal organisation & planning is important at work

• The importance of meeting deadlines

• Recognising your current ways of working

• Identifying how and where time is being wasted

• Prioritising your workload

• Urgent v’s Important

• Effective scheduling & diary management

• The do’s and don’ts of writing a task list

• Managing downtime, delays & interruptions

• Delegating tasks ~ learning to let go

• Setting clear objectives

• The importance of having personal goals / objectives

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Project Management

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” –Victor Hugo

“You get to decide where your time goes. You can either spend it moving forward, or you can spend it putting out fires. You decide. And if you don’t decide, others will decide for you.” – Tony Morgan

Developing Resilience

Developing Resilience

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

An essential course for employees who are expected to work effectively in an ever more demanding business environment. Delegates will explore the different triggers / situations that may create higher than normal levels of anxiety and develop strategies that will ensure they maintain high levels of personal performance.

Who would benefit from attending?

Ideal for people who want to develop a more resilient mindset in the workplace to maintain high levels of performance.

Core development objectives covered

• The importance of personal well-being at work

• What circumstances undermine resilience?

• Knowing what happens to us when we are under pressure

• Recognising when your anxiety levels are heightened

• Self-perception ~ victim or hero

• How to increase levels of resilience

• Identifying resilient traits & behaviours

• Challenging default behaviours & reactions

• Developing calming strategies & ways of off-loading

• Maintaining peak levels of performance

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Mental Health at Work

Emotional Intelligence in Practice

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

We all need resilience to live a fulfilling life. With resilience, you’ll be more prepared to take on challenges, to develop your talents, skills, and abilities so that you can live with more purpose and more joy.” – Eric Grietens

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course focuses on taking a proactive approach to solving problems and making well thought out and timely decisions.  Delegates will be introduced to a selection of different tools and techniques that will increase confidence and efficiency when dealing with a range of work related scenarios.

Who would benefit from attending?

Ideal for those looking to utilise a selection of different tools and techniques to improve workplace decision making and problem solving.

Core development objectives covered

• What problems do you currently face?

• Review of existing approaches to solving problems

• An introduction to different problem solving models / techniques

• Being creative in the way in which you approach the problem

• Understanding left brain / right brain ways of thinking

• Challenging the norm

• Researching the problem to provide meaningful data

• Conducting meetings using “The 6 Thinking Hats”

• Using different decision-making strategies

• Avoiding procrastination & delays

• Follow up & review the actions taken
~ promoting continual development

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Innovation & Creativity

Time, Task & Planning Skills

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…..

Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. — C. William Pollard, Chairman, Fairwyn Investment Company.

Effective Communication Skills

Effective Communication Skills

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course will provide delegates with the essential skills to communicate more effectively, helping express your message with clarity and confidence. The course looks at all aspects of personal communication and seeks to maximise the interaction you have with others in the workplace.

Who would benefit from attending?

Those who are looking to improve the way in which they communicate and interact with others in the workplace.

Core development objectives covered

• What is good communication skills?

• Identifying barriers to good communication

• Using different communication methods

• Understanding different personality preferences

• Identifying your personality preferences

• Adapting your communication style to maximise interaction with others

• Encouraging a two-way conversation

• Communicating your message with clarity & confidence

• Providing feedback in a constructive manner

• Building rapport quickly

• Understand the role of body language in effective communication

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Personal Impact & Influence

Emotional Intelligence in Practice

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble” – Yehuda Berg

Innovation & Creativity

Innovation & Creativity

Duration: 1 day  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This practical course will provide employees with a range of creative thinking techniques that they can use to generate innovative ideas. Delegates will be encouraged to bring along ‘live’ challenges / problems from the workplace to enable the new skills learnt to be applied directly.

Who would benefit from attending?

Ideal if you are looking to employ new, innovative and creatives ways of working or solving problems.

Core development objectives covered

• The difference between creativity & innovation

• Breaking through traditional thought patterns & assumptions

• The importance of applying a fresh approach to business challenges

• Left brain v’s right brain thinking

• How creative are you?

• Developing the right environment to maximise creativity

• Managing & nurturing others to be creative

• Recognising the difference between logical & lateral thinking

• Different tools / methods for generating ideas

• Using “The 6 Thinking Hats” for group workshops

• Taking ideas forward & presenting a business case

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Teamwork / Team Building

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“Innovation almost always is not successful the first time out. You try something and it doesn’t work and it takes confidence to say we haven’t failed yet. … Ultimately you become commercially successful.” – Clayton Christensen