Project Managemet

Project Management

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is ideal for employees who are asked to complete a variety of different business projects in addition to performing their current role. Delegates will learn the best practice principles behind managing projects successfully and the essential people management skills that are required when managing and communicating during project delivery.

Who would benefit from attending?

For those who are managing or taking an active role in business projects and who want to learn the key principles of effective project management.

Core development objectives covered

• Understanding the benefits of effective project management

• The key stages of project management

• Setting clear project objectives / goals

• Personal organisation, planning & prioritisation

• Monitoring & evaluating progress

• What makes a good project manager?

• Assigning key roles & responsibilities

• Managing project planning meetings

• Developing an effective communication strategy

• Managing & leading your project team

• Communicating to project stakeholders / sponsors

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Time, Task & Planning Skills

Managing & Leading Teams

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“Project management can be defined as a way of developing structure in a complex project, where the independent variables of time, cost, resources and human behavior come together.” – Rory Burke

“Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost and quality. Program management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each juggling three balls and swapping balls from time to time.” ~ G. Reiss

Finance for Non-Financial People

Finance for Non-Financial People

Duration: 1-2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is for employees or managers who want to develop their basic financial knowledge and understanding. Delegates will learn about profit and loss, balance sheets, cash flow and forecasting by reviewing ‘real’ financial reports and in-turn recognise the part they can play in improving the financial position of the business.

Who would benefit from attending?

Individuals who want to learn the fundamentals of business finance and the impact of making well informed financial decisions.

Core development objectives covered

• How effective finance management can benefit the business

• Understanding financial jargon & phrases

• Profit, cash flow & the balance sheet

• The importance of a healthy cash-flow position

• Understanding & managing business cost

• Variable & fixed costs

• Calculating break-even point

• Financial planning ~ forecasting & budgeting

• Understanding the need to financially appraise capital expenditure projects

• Making informed decisions using financial data

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Project Management

Negotiation Skills

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“If I had to run a company on three measures, those measures would be customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and cash flow.” – Jack Welch

“Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it’s the lifeblood of business.” – Sir Richard Branson

High Impact Presentation Skills

High Impact Presentation Skills

Duration: 1-2 days  | Maximum group size: 8 people

Course overview

The content of this course is pitched at experienced presenters who are looking to develop the skills and behaviours required to deliver truly compelling presentations. Delegates will explore how they can have real impact by displaying a powerful mix of communication and persuasion that fully engages their audience.

Who would benefit from attending?

For experienced presenters who want to deliver truly powerful presentations that result in high levels of audience engagement.

Core development objectives covered

• Developing personal presence

• Building powerful messages, themes and topics into your presentation

• Structuring key messages in a clear and coherent order

• Opening & closing your presentation with memorable statements / actions

• Combining the power of influence, communication & body language

• Improving your vocal tone, pace, clarity and quality

• The power of the visual aid

• Audience management – delaying / deferring / deflecting

• Handling Q&A sessions professionally

• Remaining calm, centred and in control during presentations

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Effective Presentation Skills

Personal Impact & Influence

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“Picture yourself in a living room having a chat with your friends. You would be relaxed and comfortable talking to them, the same applies when public speaking.” – Richard Branson

“Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. It is to bring another out of his bad sense into your good sense.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Business Writing Skills

Business Writing Skills

Duration: 1 to 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course will provide delegates with the structure and skills required to produce thoroughly professional written business messages and reports. Delegates will learn how to write clearly, concisely and persuasively to have the desired impact on the reader.

Note: This workshop can be tailored to focus on specific elements of written communication including, proposal writing, reports, tender & bid writing, marketing / sales communications. ‘Real’ documents from the workplace can be incorporated in to the delivery of the workshop to help delegates to apply and embed the new skills learnt.

Who would benefit from attending?

Those looking to improve the way in which they prepare, structure and write a range of different written communications.

Core development objectives covered

• Business writing skills – best practice approaches to suit the modern world

• What forms of written communication do you currently use?

• Identifying your current writing style

• Writing emails, memos & business letters

• Selecting the correct tone & style of message

• Being clear on the message you want to give the reader

• Writing in plain English ~ keeping it natural & fluent

• Preparing & producing business reports

• Writing creatively & persuasively

• Using powerful language to create impact

• Using a readability index

• Proofing your work with the help of others

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Effective Communication Skills

Personal Impact & Influence 

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

It is essential for business owners, managers and employees to develop effective written communication skills. The information age has altered the ways in which we communicate and placed an increasing emphasis on written versus oral communications.

Personal Impact & Influence

Personal Impact & Influence

Duration: 1-2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course focuses on the best way of having impact on others through a powerful mix of influence, body language & assertiveness. We will explore how your approach and behaviour can be adapted when dealing with a range of different personalities to ensure that a successful outcome is achieved.

Who would benefit from attending?

Individuals who are looking to develop their interpersonal skills in order to influence, persuade and have maximum impact on others.

Core development objectives covered

• What is personal impact?

• Self-awareness ~ identifying your communication strengths / weaknesses

• Understanding different personality styles / preferences

• Adapting your approach to maximise your impact on others

• Advanced communication skills

• The power of language, voice & tone

• Knowing who you want to influence

• Developing communication strategies

• Assertive v’s aggressive behaviour

• Transactional analysis in practice

• Dealing with difficult & obstructive people

• Providing constructive feedback whist maintaining a professional working relationship

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Effective Communication Skills

Emotional Intelligence in Practice

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…..

“Those who inspire trust are the only people who can retain the power of personal influence for a lifetime, and wield it without revolt or resentment” Robin Dreeke

“You don’t have to be a “person of influence” to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they’ve taught me”.  Scott Adams