Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Duration: 1 to 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is for managers who want to develop their basic financial knowledge and understanding. Delegates will learn about profit and loss, balance sheets, cash flow and forecasting by reviewing ‘real’ financial reports and in-turn recognise the part they can play in improving the financial position of the business.

Who would benefit from attending?

Those who have no previous financial training and who want to learn the fundamentals of managing business finance.

Core development objectives covered

• How effective finance management can benefit the business

• Understanding financial jargon & phrases

• Profit, cash flow & the balance sheet

• The importance of a healthy cash-flow position

• Understanding & managing business cost

• Variable & fixed costs

• Calculating break-even point

• Financial planning ~ forecasting & budgeting

• Understanding the need to financially appraise capital expenditure projects

• Making informed decisions using financial data

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Business Planning Skills

Driving Strategic Change

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

We were always focused on our profit and loss statement. But cash flow was not a regularly discussed topic. It was as if we were driving along, watching only the speedometer, when in fact we were running out of gas. – Michael Dell

Project Management for Managers

Project Mangement for Managers

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is ideal for managers who are asked to complete a variety of different business projects in addition to performing their current role. Delegates will learn the best practice principles behind managing projects successfully and the essential people management skills that are required when managing and communicating during project delivery.

Who would benefit from attending?

Managers who have no formal project management training and who are now responsible for managing a range of different business projects.

Core development objectives covered

• Understanding the benefits of effective project management

• The key stages of project management

• Setting clear project objectives / goals

• Personal organisation, planning & prioritisation

• Monitoring & evaluating progress

• What makes a good Project Manager?

• Assigning key roles & responsibilities

• Managing project planning meetings

• Developing an effective communication strategy

• Managing & leading your project team

• Communicating to project stakeholders / sponsors

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Managing Meetings

Personal Impact & Influence

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“The project manager is expected to integrate all aspects of the project, ensure that the proper knowledge and resources are available when and where needed, and above all, ensure that the expected results are produced in a timely, cost- effective manner.” Meredith and Mantel

Strategic Business Planning Skills

Strategic Business Planning Skills

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is designed for Senior Managers who are responsible for producing well-reasoned and realistic business plans that provide strategic direction and identify / prioritise key organisational objectives. Delegates will learn to formulate, execute, and monitor the strategic plans by assessing the current business environment.

Who would benefit from attending?

Managers who want to develop the skills and knowledge required to conduct a strategic business review and produce and implement a thoroughly professional business plan.

Core development objectives covered

• The benefits of strategic business planning

• Making informed decisions about the future direction of the business

• Applying a SWOT analysis

• Applying PESTLE analysis

• Using your findings to set strategic direction & strategic objectives

• Understanding the key factors involved in implementing strategy

• Establishing your success criteria

• Developing a strategic plan

• Engaging with key stakeholders across the organisation

• Creating a communication strategy

• The importance of monitoring & evaluating progress

• Adapting / responding to changing business circumstances

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Driving & Implementing Strategic Change

Project Management Skills

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought…

“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.” Denis Waitley

Driving & Implementing Strategic Change

Driving & Implementing Strategic Change

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is for Senior Managers who are responsible for setting and implementing strategic business changes. Delegates will explore how to develop an effective business strategy that will navigate and drive change before considering a communication plan that will help employees embrace the forthcoming changes.

Who would benefit from attending?

Managers who are responsible for setting and implementing strategic business change.

Core development objectives covered

• Why is business change important?

• Managing strategic change

• Strategic analysis & business planning skills

• Setting clearly defined roles & responsibilities

• Identifying change champions across the business

• Building flexibility & adaptability in to your plans

• Managing the pace of change delivered

• Developing a communication strategy

• Translating strategy into operational objectives

• Proactively managing different reactions to change

• Monitoring & measuring your change plans

• Reviewing the effectiveness of your change strategy

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Managing Change

Strategic Business Planning

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought….

“Most of us know the marketing concept of good communication. To make a message stick in the head of a future consumer, you need to deliver the message seven times using seven different channels. Why do executives think that to make a strategy stick, a boring speech delivered once  will be enough?”

Developing a High Performing Team

Developing a High Performing Team

Duration: 2 days  | Maximum group size: 12 people

Course overview

This course is for managers who want to develop a team culture that is focused on attaining and sustaining consistently high levels of performance. Delegates will explore how they can create a supportive, progressive and fun work environment that inspires individual and team success.

Who would benefit from attending?

Middle to Senior Managers who want to develop and empower their people to deliver sustained levels of high performance.

Core development objectives covered

• The characteristics of a high performing team

• McKinsey’s model for team performance

• Recognising team strengths / weaknesses

• Empowering others to take increased levels of responsibility

• Creating a continual development team culture

• Providing clarity & direction on team objectives

• Defining your success criteria

• Offering the correct level of support to your team

• Giving constructive feedback on individual / team performance

• Monitoring & evaluating performance

• Sustaining peak levels of performance

Other related subjects you may be interested in viewing

Teams & Team Performance

Team Work / Team Building

Delivery methodology

Futureproof’s training workshops require all delegates to take a full and active role throughout. Our mix of trainer led discussion, facilitation, coaching and skills practice ensures that all delegates enjoy an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Just a thought……

“There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow. It goes without saying that no company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it.” Jack Welch